Rave & nightclub harm-reductions groups around the world |
North America
Promoting Health and Safety within the Rave and Nightclub Community.
DanceSafe has chapters in
- Atlanta, GA
- Austin, TX
- Baltimore, MD/DC
- Buffalo, NY
- Calgary, AB, Canada
- Central New Jersey
- Chicago, IL
- Dallas/Fort Worth, TX
- Detroit, MI
- Edwardsville, IL
- Eugene, OR
- Houston, TX
- Indiannapolis, IN
- Kansas City, MO
- Los Angeles, CA
- Lubbock, TX
- Madison, WI
- New York, NY
- Northern New Mexico
- Philadelphia, PA
- Phoenix, AZ
- Portland, OR
- Sacramento, CA
- Salt Lake City, UT
- San Diego, CA
- San Francisco Bay Area
- Seattle, WA
- Southern NM/El Paso, TX
- Southern Ohio
- St. Louis, MO
South Africa, Australia, North America
RaveSafe believes that each individual has the right to accurate and honest
information about drugs and their effects, so that we can make informed
decisions about our lives and health.
RaveSafe has chapters in
Basics Network,
For more than 10 years, in many European cities, peer projects have been created from different party
scenes to promote individual choice, drug awareness and take an active role in the cultural
development within various electronic & dance music communities. Basics has
member organizations in
- Zagreb, Croatia
- Brno, Czech Republic
- London, England
- Lyon, France
- Marseille, France
- Marseille, France
- Metz, France
- Montpellier, France
- Montpellier, France
- Paris, France
- Toulouse, France
- Berlin, Germany
- Berlin, Germany
- Bremen, Germany
- Cologne, Germany
- Frankfurt, Germany
- Leipzig, Germany
- Münster, Germany
- Budapest, Hungary
- Bologna, Italy
- Edinburgh, Scotland
- Balearic Islands, Spain
- Barcelona, Spain
- Madrid, Spain
- Valencia, Spain
- Solothurn, Switzerland
Eve & Rave,
“Zielsetzung von »Eve & Rave« ist die Förderung der Party- und Technokultur und die Minderung
der Drogenproblematik. Die Arbeitsbereiche betreffen Arbeit, Gesundheit, Kultur und Politik.
Eve & Rave has chapters in
Aachen, Germany
“Zweck des Vereins ist die Förderung des öffentlichen Gesundheitswesens.
Dieser Satzungszweck wird insbesondere dadurch verwirklicht, daß er den
Zusammenhang zwischen einschränkenden Lebenszusammenhängen und suchtbedingten
Problemen aufdeckt und bearbeitet und prophylaktische Leistungen anbietet,
um der Suchtentstehung vorzubeugen.”
RaveSafe South Australia,
Adelaide, Australia
“We are an organization of volunteers that basic first aid, research and distribute
information that is of interest to the rave community in Adelaide. We also provide a place
at parties where people can feel safe and secure. We collate and provide up to date information
about street-dance drugs and the risks and health issues associated with them, information on
safe raving, and other topics, which we feel may be of an importance to all ravers safety and
well being.”
UCAP (Unified Culture Awareness Program),
Alamogordo, NM (also Las Cruces, NM, and El Paso, TX)
“To provide accurate, realistic, and relevant information on drugs, alcohol,
and sexuality associated with the underground music scene.”
Amsterdam (also, Rotterdam, Utrecht), Netherlands
“Unity is een project dat gesteund wordt door Jellinek Preventie. Het bestaat uit vrijwilligers die
allen afkomstig zijn uit de dance-scene. Zij geven voorlichting aan hun leefstijlgenoten op grote
dance-evenementen en parties. Deze methode van voorlichten heet de peer-to-peer methode. Vertaald uit
het engels betekent dit gelijke-naar-gelijke. Vandaar dat de vrijwilligers van Unity ook wel peers
worden genoemd. Jongeren zijn eerder bereid informatie aan te nemen van mensen die hetzelfde zijn als
Breakline Peer Support,
Antwerp, Belgium
“Breakline Peer Support is an Antwerp based (Belgium) harm reduction project about party drugs.”
Amsterdam, Netherlands
“De Jellinek bestaat uit een groot aantal ambulante en klinische behandelprogramma’s, justitiële
verslavingszorg, resocialisatieprogramma’s en een afdeling Preventie en Consultancy.”
La Asociación de Reducción de Daños de la Argentina,
“La Asociación de Reducción de Daños de la Argentina (ARDA) es una asociación nacional,
creada en 1999, que agrupa a los profesionales y organizaciones del país que tienen
relación con el desarrollo de políticas de droga orientadas a reducir las consecuencias
perjudiciales del uso de droga y que aspiran a incidir en las políticas públicas
sociosanitarias sobre drogas.”
DanceSafe Atlanta,
Atlanta, GA
IDEA (Informed Decisions through Education and Awareness),
Austin, TX
RPM (Responsible Party Movement),
Baltimore, MD
“RPM is a grass-roots organization comprised of volunteers who care about the health and safety
of the dance community. We provide peer based education services in the electronic dance music
community in and around the District of Columbia, Maryland, Northern Virginia and Central
Energy Control,
Barcelona (also Balearic Islands, Madrid, Valencia), Spain
“Somos una plataforma de trabajo que nace en julio de 1997 en Barcelona, con la pretensión de
disminuir los problemas asociados al consumo de drogas entre los/las jóvenes del entorno de
la fiesta. (macrodiscotecas de música mákina, salas de música techno, house y trance, raves y
Mission Rave, Médecins du Monde,
Bayonne, France
(1) “réduire les risques liés au contexte festif (milieu techno et autres).”
(2) “évaluer et suivre l’évolution sociologique du mouvement techno.”
(3) “porter témoignage sur la consommation de substances psychoactives
chez les jeunes et dénoncer les conséquences politique des drogues en France.”
Berlin (also Hamburg), Germany
“Eclipse ist eine Gruppe von Leuten, die es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht haben,
rund um das Thema Party-Drogen zu Informieren.”
Berlin, Germany
“Projekt für Prävention und Beratung im Zusammenhang mit Partydrogen.”
Eve & Rave e.V. Berlin,
Berlin, Germany
“Zielsetzung von »Eve & Rave« ist die Förderung der Party- und Technokultur und die Minderung
der Drogenproblematik. Die Arbeitsbereiche betreffen Arbeit, Gesundheit, Kultur und Politik.”
Bio*zone – Drop In Project,
Bologna, Italy
“Il Drop in project è un progetto di riduzione del danno e informazione
rivolto agli abitanti del pianeta notte.”
Bremen, Germany
“Vereinszweck ist die Förderung der Gesundheit von vorrangig jungen Menschen in Fragen
bezüglich des Substanzmissbrauchs und damit zusammenhängender Schwierigkeiten, die ihre
psychosoziale Gesundheit gefährden könnten oder bereits gefährden. Dies geschieht durch
Aufklärung, Information, Forschung und Weiterbildung.”
Podané Ruce – Sklenik,
Brno, Czech Republic
“Ecstasy Harm Reduction”
Modus Vivendi – Modus Fiesta,
Brussels, Belgium
“Modus Vivendi s’intéresse depuis quelques années à un nouveau
public de consommateurs et aux risques spécifiques liés à la
consommation de drogues en milieu festif.”
KÉK PONT Drogkonzultációs Központ és Ambulancia,
Budapest, Hungary
“Kék Pont, in English Blue Point, is a drug counselling and outpatient center focusing on harm
reduction caused by drugs, and especially illicit drugs, among drug users, their families, and the
whole of society, and to increase the quality of life of everyone affected.”
Buffalo, NY
“We are a collective of volunteers from the local scene who have joined together to form a
nonprofit harm reduction organization promoting health and safety within the Western NY rave
community. We are here to help ensure a safe environment and add to a positive and fun
experience for everyone at local events.”
Calgary RaveSafe,
Calgary, AB, Canada
“RaveSafe is a non-profit organisation based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada that promotes Harm
Reduction. As RaveSafe volunteers our goal is to increase the ability of our peers to
positively influence their own health and safety by providing the tools and information
needed to make informed choices. We neither condemn nor promote drug use. We simply wish
to provide the public with information to aid in making knowledgable decisions.”
Code Blue Harm Reduction,
Canberra, Australia (also Sydney)
“Code Blue Harm Reduction Services is a non-profit volunteer organization formed by people who
believe that the Canberra dance and club scene needed a harm reduction group for peer education and
easier access to information services and referral centres.”
Central New Jersey
DanceSafe Chicago,
Chicago, IL
“DanceSafe Chicago is a volunteer-based harm reduction network which works within the electronic dance
community to provide information to our peers about general health and safety issues. We focus on
those activities which put people ‘at risk,’ such as recreational drug use and sexual activity...
even listening to loud music!”
DASSO (Drug Awareness and Safety for Southern Ohio) Kids,
Cincinnati (also Columbus, Dayton), OH
“DASSO stands for Drug Awareness and Safety for Southern Ohio Kids. We are a nonprofit harm reduction
organization utilizing a collective group of volunteers to educate the local electronic music scene.
Through peer guidance and distribution of literature, condoms, and hearing protection, we encourage
informed decisions about drug use, sexual activity, and other social and health related issues. Our
goal is to educate party-goers and to promote a positive and safe environment at local events. We
currently serve the Southwestern Ohio party scene, including Cincinnati, Dayton, and Columbus.”
Eve & Rave,
Cologne, Germany
Cologne, Germany
“Ein Projekt der Drogenhilfe Cologne e.V.”
S.T.A.R. DanceSafe,
Dallas/Fort Worth, TX
“S.T.A.R. ~ DFW DanceSafe is a youth-based, non-profit harm reduction group. S.T.A.R. is an acronym
for ‘Sharing Truth About Risks.’ Our group is made up strictly of volunteers who are dedicated to
promoting education, health and safety in the Dallas-Fort Worth community. We are a local chapter
of the national DanceSafe organization.”
Safe Beatz,
Detroit, MI
“DanceSafe believes that every individual has the right to accurate and honest information about
drugs and their effects, so that we can make informed decisions about our lives and health. Being
ravers ourselves, we realize that it is important to know what the substances are, what they
contain, and how they affect our bodies and state of mind.”
Dublin, Ireland
“The place to find out what’s happening on the club scene in Dublin,
find useful information on drugs, learn how to minimise harm they can do to you,
fill in our questionnaire, and tell us what you think of your favourite (or worst) club.”
Düsseldorfer Drogenhilfe e.V.,
Düsseldorf, Germany
“Der Verein Düsseldorfer Drogenhilfe e.V. hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt,
weite Teile der Bevölkerung über Suchtgefahren und Möglichkeiten
der Vorbeugung aufzuklären. Darüber hinaus bietet der gemeinnützige
Verein Ratsuchenden und Betroffenen eine breite Palette von Hilfsangeboten.”
Crew 2000,
Edinburgh, Scotland
“Crew 2000 is a coalition of young people, clubgoers and others who’ve come together
to produce real & relevant info about how to reduce the risks involved in using
drugs. We don’t condone or condemn drug use but we recognise that it is widespread
and that there are steps that can be taken to reduce any potential harm.”
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) DanceSafe,
Edwardsville, IL
Musikszeneprojekt “Drogerie,”
Erfurt (also Thüringen), Germany
“Das Drogerie-Projekt ist der direkte Nachfolger des Projektes ‘Checkpoint.’
Dieses sah seine Aufgabe u.a. darin durch Zuhilfenahme verschiedener
Evaluationsinstrumente herauszufinden, in wie weit Drogen in
den Musikszenen Thüringens eine Rolle spielen.”
Eugene DanceSafe,
Eugene, OR
The Alice Project,
Frankfurt, Germany
“Der Schwerpunkt unserer Aktivitäten ist die Vermittlung von Informationen über Drogen.
Uns geht es dabei weder um eine Tabuisierung noch um eine Beschönigung des Gebrauchs von Drogen.
Es geht vielmehr um die Ermöglichung einer bewußten Entscheidung.
Und es geht damit auch um einen kleinen Schritt auf dem langen Weg zu einer Kultur,
die auf Selbstbestimmung und Gemeinschaftlichkeit basiert.”
DROBS Raver’s Corner,
Hannover, Germany
“Das Corner bietet Tips für Aktionen, Antworten auf Drogenfragen und die Möglichkeit,
schlechte Pillen zu meiden.”
KELY Harm Reduction Project,
Hong Kong
“KELY staff and young volunteers regularly attend rave and dance parties to hand out KELY harm
reduction cards and answer questions from party goers. The cards inform young people of the
consequences of using alcohol, ecstasy, heroin and ice and provide information on safer use.
They also cover depression and safer sex and give out the KELY hotline numbers.”
Houston Harm Reduction Project,
Houston, TX
Indy Kids That Care,
Indiannapolis, IN
Johannesburg, South Africa (also Cape Town and Durban, South Africa)
“RaveSafe believes that each individual has the right to accurate and honest information about
drugs and their effects, so that we can make informed decisions about our lives and health.
Being ravers ourselves, we realise that it is important to know what the substances available
are, how they affect our bodies and state of mind.”
Kansas City, MS
“Synapse is a non-profit, volunteer organization that applies harm reduction techniques to
benefit the local dance community.”
EVE & RAVE Kassel e.V.,
Kassel, Germany
“EVE & RAVE Kassel e.V. (Mitglied des Kasseler Jugendrings) will euch informieren und warnen
sowie Tips für den Fall einer Notsituation geben. Der Inhalt unserer Präsentation soll
keineswegs zum Konsum von Drogen anleiten oder anregen, sondern lediglich über die gängigsten
und bekanntesten Partydrogen aufklären und so die damit verbundenen Risiken und Folgen aufzeigen.
Wir bieten Zugang zu Informationen über Situationen, die beispielsweise beim Konsum von Drogen
auftreten können, sowie Hinweise für den Umgang mit Notfällen.”
D3 Safer Dancing Project,
Leeds, UK
c/o Health Education, East Leeds Family Learning Centre, Brooklands View, Leeds LS14 6SA
Drug Scouts,
Leipzig, Germany
“Wir sind junge Menschen, die für eine akzeptierende, tabufreie und an der Realität
orientierte Information und Aufklärung über Drogen und deren Konsum eintreten.”
Lille, France
“Vous y trouverez des informations concernant les produits, la legislation, les activités de
l’association tant au niveau préventif qu’au niveau culturel. La section ‘ANNONCES’ vous est
destinée, elle permet de promouvoir des événements culturels en rapport avec les cultures urbaines et
la techno.”
London, UK
“The Chillout Collective, which provides honest and accurate non judgemental information for drug
users, works with promoters to provide chill-out spaces to reduce the harm caused by drug use at
dance events.”
Dance Drug Alliance,
London, UK
PO Box 29692, London E9 7YD; Tel: 020 8986 5475.
London, UK
“RELEASE provides a range of services dedicated to meeting the health, welfare and
legal needs of drugs users and those who live and work with them.”
DanceSafe SoCal,
Los Angeles, CA
“Encouraging respect for the dancer’s mind, body, and soul.”
People of Lubbock who Understand Responsibility,
Lubbock, TX
Tribal Koncept,
Luisant, France
Médecins Sans Frontières – Solidarité Jeunes,
“Le projet national MSF – Solidarité Jeunes fonctionne depuis le 1 er septembre 1996 avec
l’objectif de fournir une aide sanitaire aux adolescents mineurs d’âge, à leurs familles et
aux institutions dès lors qu’ils se trouvent confrontés à des difficultés liées
à une consommation de drogues légales ou illégales.”
Keep Smiling,
Lyon, France
“C’est à la fois pour défendre ces attaques, faire découvrir, comprendre et accepter
ce milieu, et pour promouvoir au sein même de la communauté techno les valeurs telles
que la fête, la convivialité, le respect de soi et des autres dans leurs différences,
l’entraide et le soutien, et pour la prévention de la santé, que nous avons créé Keep Smiling.”
Le Tipi,
Marseille, France
“Un des pôles essentiels de l’association Le Tipi, qui englobe de nombreux projets. Qu’elle se
fasse en milieux festifs ou autres, la prévention est un secteur qui induit toujours des notions
de convivialité et aussi de militantisme.”
Marseille, France
“Ce projet en est à sa fondation, et nous travaillons avec des outils de prévention déjà créés au
sein du TIPI par notre équipe. Principal mode d’action: chill-out, secourisme, réassurance,
activités artistiques.”
Madison, WI
Enlighten Harm Reduction,
Melbourne, Australia
“Enlighten is a volunteer organisation dedicated to raising safety
awareness in the dance community.”
Melbourne, Australia
Metz, France
Montpellier, France
“Association de santé communautaire et de promotion de la culture techno.”
GRIP Montréal (Groupe de Recherche et d’intervention Psychosociale),
Montréal, PQ, Canada
« Si tu choisis de consommer, choisis aussi de t’informer. »
Eve & Rave Münster,
Info Drogen,
Münster, Germany
“Eve & Rave Münster ist eine Szeneinitiative, die Drogenaufklärung und Drogenprävention in der
Technoszene betreibt. Wir haben das Projekt 1996 nach Berliner Vorbild gegründet und arbeiten mit
10 Mitarbeiter in unterschiedlichen Bereichen. Der Schwerpunkt des Projektes ist die Vor-Ort-Arbeit.
Mindestens einmal im Monat veranstalten wir Infostände auf Technoparties im Raum Münster. Im
Vordergrund steht nicht Drogenkonsum zu verteufeln, sondern ausgewogen aufzuklären und bei Problemen
mit Drogen beratend zur Seite zu stehen.”
DanceSafe New York City,
New York, NY
“DanceSafe has two fundamental operating principles: harm reduction and popular education.
Combining these two philosophies enables us to create successful, peer- based educational programs
to reduce drug abuse and empower young people to make healthy, informed lifestyle choices.”
Techno +,
“Paris (also Montpellier, Nantes, Toulouse), France
Techno + diffuse de l’information objective et tire sa crédibilité d’une
éthique basée sur le non-jugement.”
Red Projekt,
Paris, France
“La drogue a toujours été présente quelque soit la civilisation. Notre but est d’informer les
gens sur les produits qu’ils consomment, pas de faire la promo de tel ou tel prod. Nous mettons
online tout se qu’on peut savoir par le biais des teufeurs et des medecins.”
SPHEHR (Scene Promotion, Health Education and Harm Reduction),
Pittsburgh, PA
“We exist to serve the rave and electronic dance community, in order to help promoters
and the people who attend their events stay safe, secure and healthy.”
DanceSafe Philadelphia,
Philadelphia, PA
Cactus GrooveSafe,
Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix, AZ
DanceSafe PDX,
Portland, OR
Chill out e.V.,
Potsdam, Germany
“Langfristiges Ziel unserer Projektarbeit ist die Minimierung der gesundheitlichen, sozialen,
seelischen und körperlichen Risiken für Drogengebraucher. Hierbei sind die Prinzipien
akzeptierender Drogenarbeit ein maßgeblicher Leitfaden für unsere verantwortungsvolle Tätigkeit.”
Prague, Czech Republic
“Jediným zpusobem jak se vyhnout rizikum spojeným s konzumací drog je drogy neužívat.
Objektivne a srozumitelne informovat verejnost o zdravotních rizicích zneužívání ilegálních
i legálních návykových látek a dalších aktivit, které vykazují zvýšený potenciál ke vzniku
RaveSafe Queensland,
“Rave Safe Queensland is a group of volunteers from the rave scene in South East Queensland
dedicated to making raving a safer experience for everybody.”
Red Deer, AB, Canada
“Rave Safe is a non-profit organization based in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada that promotes Drug
Awareness, specifically for the purpose of informing Ravers about the drugs, and their affects,
found at Raves.”
Club Safe,
Red Deer, AB, Canada
Email: ClubSafeRD@hotmail.com
Sacramento, CA
Salt Lake Awareness Project,
Salt Lake City, UT
“Salt Lake Awareness Project (SLAP), a peer-driven intervention, provides harm reduction services at
raves, nightclubs and other arenas where club drug users congregate.”
San Diego DanceSafe,
San Diego, CA
“Promoting health and safety within the San Diego rave and nightclub community.”
SHARE Project,
San Francisco, CA
“SHARE Project is the San Francisco Bay Area chapter of DanceSafe. We are made up of an eclectic
group of enthusiastic volunteers. Whilst some of the volunteers are still in high school and some
are third year medical students, we all have one goal in mind to keep our fellow dancers healthy
and safe.”
PartySafe.org (Electric Dreams Foundation),
San Francisco, CA
“PartySafe.org is produced by the Electric Dreams Foundation, a California nonprofit
organization dedicated to promoting health, well-being, and an expanded sense of
community within the social arenas of g/l/b/t culture. We are committed to building
upon the gay community’s unique legacy of self-expression through events of
celebration, and we honor those whose past achievements have made it possible for
sexual minorities to gather openly and enjoy a freedom of expression that must not
be taken for granted.”
Santa Fe (also Albuquerque), NM
“We empower youth to take responsibility for health, safety, and respect, for themselves and for their
communities, through peer counseling, peer education, community outreach, and youth advocacy.”
Amigos da Música Eletrônica,
São Paulo, Brazil
“‘E lá música eletrônica precisa de associação? Não é só um bando de gente que sai pra dançar som
bate-estaca?’ É justamente porque muita gente não enxerga nada além do estereótipo acima que hoje se
faz necessária a criação de uma ONG que visa a valorizar, democratizar e divulgar a cultura da música
eletrônica no Brasil.”
Projeto Baladaboa,
São Paulo, Brazil
“Estamos realizando uma pesquisa com pessoas que usam ou já usaram Ecstasy. Se você é uma delas, suas
respostas são importantes para a construção de um programa preventivo honesto e necessário, cujo
objetivo é diminuir os eventuais riscos que o uso de Ecstasy possa trazer. Algumas pessoas escolhem
correr esse risco. Nosso objetivo não é fazer com que essas pessoas mudem suas escolhas, mas
Stay Safe Seattle,
Seattle, WA
“DanceSafe Seattle, the first local chapter of the international DanceSafe organization, is a
volunteer group providing harm reduction services to the rave and nightclub community in western
Eve & Rave,
Solothurn, Switzerland
“Eve & Rave ist ein Raverprojekt für Gesundheit, Kultur und Arbeit zur Förderung der Technokultur
und Minderung der Drogenproblematik. Es fördert die öffentliche Gesundheitspflege, Kunst und
Kultur und initiiert Arbeitsprojekte. Gesundheitspflege bedeutet hier vorerst Gesundheitsförderung
und Präventionsarbeit in den Schwerpunkten Rauschverhalten und Drogenkonsum und HIV- bzw.
NWAP (Northwest Awareness Project),
Spokane, WA
“Dedicated to a safe and positive growth of the scene.
St. Louis DanceSafe,
St. Louis, MO
Sydney, Australia (also Lismore, Islington, Wollongong)
“ACON is a non-government organisation based in the gay & lesbian communities and providing
services to members of those communities including Indigenous people, transgender people and
injecting drug users, to all people living with HIV/AIDS and to sex workers.”
Keep It Simple,
Sydney, Australia
“Keep It Simple (KIS) is a peer education project of the Manly Drug Education & Counselling
Centre (MDECC). MDECC is a non-government organisation that operates on the belief that people have
the right to access accurate information, education, and treatment for alcohol or drug issues
regardless of their lifestyle choices.”
TRIP (Toronto Raver Info Project),
Toronto, ON, Canada
“TRIP provides safer sex and safer drug use info and supplies to party people in Toronto’s
electronic music communities.”
Vancouver, BC, Canada
“MindBodyLove is a volunteer, peer-driven group focussed on health promotion,
education and advocacy for youth and their communities.”
Island Kidz,
Victoria, BC, Canada
“Island Kidz believe in the individual right to accurate and honest information about
drugs so that people can make informed decisions about their lives and health.”
Projekt ChEck iT!,
Vienna, Austria
“Information, Beratung und Drugchecking bilden das Fundament von ChEck iT!”
Vibe Alive,
Wilmington, NC
“Vibe Alive is a group dedicated to harm reduction in the rave and nightclub,
rock and roll, and general communities.”
Winnipeg GrooveSafe,
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Email: WinnipegGrooveSafe@hotmail.com
“Winnipeg GrooveSafe is a harm reduction organization that believes that
each individual has the right to obtain accurate and honest information
about drugs and their effects. We neither promote nor condemn the use of
drugs, but we believe that if you choose to use drugs you should be well
informed of the risks involved.”
Zagreb, Croatia
“Špica je udruga za zdraviju subkulturnu scenu. Ciljevi su nam popularizacija i produbljivanje
spoznaja o subkulturnoj sceni, smanjivanje stvarnog rizika vezanog uz upotrebu droge i druge rizicne
aktivnosti na sceni, te promicanje kreativnih potencijala unutar rave/party scene.”
Safer Party,
Zürich, Switzerland
“Streetwork ist ein Projekt der Ambulanten Drogenhilfe der Stadt Zürich, und hat folgende
aufsuchende Jugendberatung im Zentrum der Stadt Zürich und im Kreis 4+5, und
Sekundärprävention im Partybereich.”