PartySmart depends on in-kind support from volunteers, businesses, and other organizations.
Some of our most crucial needs are:
- Volunteer work
Board of directors, program development, volunteer training, volunteer coordination, booth
maintenance, transportation, etc.
- Groceries
Fruit, granola bars, gum, snacks, water, etc.
- Materials and supplies
Earplugs, condoms, lube, first aid, hardware, tape, paper cups, paper towels, etc.
- Literature
Pamphlets and referral cards for health and legal service organizations, reference books, journal
subscriptions, etc.
- Office space, equipment, supplies, and services
Computer, laser printer, software, postage, internet, telephone, cell phone, paper cutter,
paper, stationery, printer ink, photocopy toner, etc.
- Support services
Photocopying, accounting, graphic design, web design, legal advice, medical research, meeting space,
travel, storage, etc.
- Training services
First aid & CPR, sex & STDs, diversity, mediation, suicide prevention, violence prevention,
voter registration, youth advocacy, business practices, staff development, etc.
- Volunteer recognition
Coupons, tickets, entertainment & recreation opportunities.
If we have helped you or someone you care about, please share your story with us, so that
others may hear about it and appreciate the value that you place on our services.
We would like to acknowledge and thank our supporters:
- PartySmart Volunteers
For their hard work, unbounded energy, enthusiasm, ideas, meeting space.
- The New Mexico electronic music and dance community
Our steadiest source of revenue is anonymous donations from participants at raves, those whom we aim
to serve.
- New Mexico Rave Promoters
Special thanks go to New Mexico rave promoters for their regular cash donations.
- DanceSafe
For literature, promotional items, conferences, travel expenses, leadership, networking, advice,
training, vision.
- New Mexico
Department of Health
For CPR classes, condoms, lube, health pamphlets, advice.
Santa Fe Community College
For service-learning volunteer referrals.
- American Civil Liberties Union
of New Mexico
For advocacy, literature, networking.
- Drug Policy Alliance
For conference facilities, literature, networking.
- McCune Charitable Foundation
For conference scholarships.
- Kesselman-Jones, Inc.
For conference facilities.
Central (Los Alamos Teen Center)
For photocopying, meeting space.
- New Mexico AIDS
For meeting space.
- Warehouse21
(Santa Fe Teen Arts Center)
For meeting space, advice.
Center for Peace and Justice
For meeting space.
Santa Fe Rape Crisis
For training, meeting space.
Santa Fe Community Foundation
For networking, training.
Saturn5 Productions
For web hosting.
Heffter Research Institute
For consultation on neuropharmacology questions.
For photocopying and laminating.
Wild Oats Natural Marketplace
For groceries and photocopying.
Trader Joe’s
For groceries.