To Promote Health and Safety Within the Rave and Nightclub Community

PartySmart is the New Mexico chapter of DanceSafe, whose mission is “To promote health and safety within the rave and nightclub community.” We provide services primarily in Northern New Mexico, from Belen, an hour’s drive south of Albuquerque, to Chama and Taos near the Colorado border. We spend most of our time on popular education to promote drug awareness, harm reduction, health and safety at raves in and around Santa Fe and Albuquerque. Southern New Mexico and El Paso, TX are served by the Unified Culture Awareness Program, another DanceSafe chapter. Although we work mainly in Northern New Mexico, the people we serve travel from as far as El Paso, TX in the south to Durango and Fort Collins, CO in the north. At this time, we provide services mostly at raves and rarely at dance clubs, mainly because of limited availability of volunteers during the week, when most clubs serve up electronic music. We occasionally cover larger concert-style events, but only if these occur on weekends. We currently have the resources to provide two booths and one information table simultaneously at separate events.

© 2002 – 2009 PartySmart, a non-profit corporation